
Nutrition is 80% of the game. No matter your goals, finding YOUR eating style and preferences, and turning that into a sustainable plan is my goal.

  • Completely custom macros
  • No foods completely off limits
  • Flexible, creative, based on YOU
  • Food allergies, preferences, dietary restrictions, etc. all taken into account
  • Open line of communication with me for any questions or concerns
  • Most plans are monthly (besides 12-week package)
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Updates included in price, and provided after weekly check ins.
  • Prices vary depending on plan -- please contact me! 

*Everything is done through an app, plans are sent, updates, payment, etc. 

**Jessica is not a dietician, and practices within the scope of her education and suggests basic nutrition recommendations based on USDA/FDA dietary guidelines for the generally healthy individual. If there is a specific health condition or concern, she also can refer to the appropriate clinical expert.